CBD oil: the product of all fantasies

Since the legal vagueness over the situation of CBD in Europe seems to be gradually dissipating, derivative products have started to gain the attention of consumers as well as the authorities. CBD oil, in particular, is now the object of all fantasies. A new look is now focused on this product sold in CBD shops.

Reminder on the legal framework of CBD in Europe

As in all European countries, cannabidiol (CBD) is today a legal product in accordance with the principle of mutual recognition, within the framework of the free movement of goods. You can buy and consume it legally. However, some regulations apply to this legislation. CBD and derivative products like CBD oil are only recognized as legal when they are devoid of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or contain an amount less than or equal to 0.2%. The fueled debate around CBD products is fueled by the confusion over the fact that both CBD and THC are cannabinoid molecules found in the same plant: hemp, also known as cannabis. Cannabidiol is an active ingredient in the hemp plant without the risk of addiction, unlike THC which is a cannabinoid with psychoactive properties.

French legislation is therefore uncompromising on the repression of all varieties of hemp with a THC content higher than the standard indicated. In addition, it prohibits presenting CBD products as a drug with therapeutic virtues beyond the sphere of well-being. They are therefore considered as food supplements. The sale of these products is also prohibited to minors and their consumption is not recommended for pregnant women.

CBD oil: why can we talk about a natural product?

CBD oil is a by-product made from hemp. It is particularly rich in active ingredients, but the basic active ingredient obviously remains cannabidiol which has versatile properties. It is an oil low in THC which then meets the criteria of legality. Thus, we can speak of a natural product, because it emanates from the agricultural cultivation of hemp.

CBD oil is not always made naturally, however. It can be made synthetically with synthetic CBD, a perfect double of natural cannabidiol. When it does, you won’t be able to tell it apart from an oil that uses natural CBD. Synthetic CBD is created entirely in the lab, with no fields or greenhouses, so that’s not a problem. The oil obtained from this synthetic product is approved because the formulas are known and the dosages are stable. However, you will have to be very careful if the product comes from the black market. This can be dangerous for the body if additives have been added. It is then decisive to know the origin and the composition of the CBD oil that you choose to buy. For more information about CBD and its use, you can search for information on the site https://cbd-legal.eu which is full of interesting information about cannabidiol and hemp-derived products.